Saturday, February 11

Beating the Winter Chill

It's not the nicest subject, but let's face it... We're all snuffly at this time of year. Instead of suffering with a bright red nose, here are some simple ideas that really help.

Kleenex Balsam Tissues - £2.89 - Boots
For when you've got a runny nose but want to prevent the dry, flaky skin.  The pocket packets are great for throwing in your bag.

Multivitamins - £5.75 - Boots
Take one every morning to make sure you're taking in all the necessary vitamins.

Berocca Vitamin C - £4.99 - Boots
Boots own brand are just as good, and they usually have offers on around this time of year.  Provides extra protection against the sniffles.

Vicks Inhalers - £2.49 - Boots
Fantastic to keep in your bag when your sinuses are blocked.

Olbas Oil - £3.99 - Boots
Pop a couple of drops on a tissue and leave it on your pillow as you sleep to clear your nose and help you breathe during the night.

Night Nurse - £5.45 - Boots
Bringing out the big guns.  Night Nurse will knock you out and ensure you have a completely peaceful sleep, no matter how bad your cold.  Not recommended if you have an early start in the morning - It will make you find getting up more difficult than Lauren, and that's saying something!

And there you have it! Your armour against a nasty cold, and all for £25. Of course, you could also indulge in a trip to your favourite cafe for a toastie and a hot chocolate, try the old English custom of walking it off in the countryside wrapped up so well you can barely move your arms or lying on the sofa and letting your other half nurse you back to health.  All very effective!

Breathe easy, Sophie.

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