Thursday, April 12

A Hint of Scandinavia

Forever Fantastic Collection; Caja bracelet by Dansk Smykkekunst - £18.50 available at Drift Living

As soon as I walked into my friends house & saw a delicately formed silver bracelet sitting on the breakfast counter; I knew I had to have it!

My friends own the Danish delight that is 'Drift Living' also known as 'Danish Designs' in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland.  A self made business they stock beautifully crafted Scandinavian items for the home & also crafted jewelery as shown above.   This specific bracelet that caught my eye is from a  jewelery collection from designers Dansk Smykkekunst in Copenhagen.

As I have naturally quite small wrists big bangles & bracelets never sit properly, & tend to engulf my whole hand.  Therefore, I usually opt for the more fragile and elegant pieces of the jewelery world, & hence this particular piece caught my eye.

You can browse other Scandinavian goodies over on their website or why not visit Cha's blog; for some crafty updates!

Lauren-Eloise x


  1. Thank you so much for following me and following you back in return!
    My Lyfe ; My Story


  2. such a darling blog!
    Style The Natives love the bracelet and will definitely be sourcing for something similar soon,

    have a wonderful weekend and keep up the lovely work

    1. We're glad you like the bracelet, we hope you find a similar one soon & thanks for the lovely comment!

      Lauren-Eloise x
